Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/7/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: *** DRAFT ***  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-36 11. Other BusinessDiscussion and action on the election of Mayor Pro Tempore and Alternate Mayor Pro Tempore.   Not available Not available
25-39 12. Members of the City CouncilDiscussion and action on a Resolution adopting the Rules of Order for City Council meetings.   Not available Not available
25-02 13. MinutesApproval of the Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of December 17, 2024, the Work Session of December 16, 2024, and the Agenda Review Meeting of December 16, 2024.   Not available Not available
25-03 14. Request to ExcuseREQUEST TO EXCUSE ABSENT CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS   Not available Not available
25-05 15. ResolutionsThat the Solid Waste liens on the attachment posted with this agenda be approved. (See Attachment A) [POSTPONED FROM 01-07-2025]   Not available Not available
25-01 16. Applications for Tax RefundsThat the tax refunds listed on the attachment posted with this agenda be approved. This action would allow us to comply with state law which requires approval by the legislative body of refunds of tax overpayments greater than $2,500.00. (See Attachment B)   Not available Not available
25-52 17. Notice of Campaign ContributionsFor notation pursuant to Section 2.92.080 of the City Code, receipt of campaign contributions by Representative Alejandra Chávez in the amounts of $1,000 from Douglas Schwartz, $1,000 from Brent Harris, and $2,500 from Raymond & Kathy Palacios.   Not available Not available
25-09 18. BidsThe linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 7.5 Set one standard for infrastructure across the city. Award Summary: The request that the Managing Director of Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing be authorized to issue Purchase Order(s) to increase contract 2019-869 Grounds Maintenance-City Facilities to Delta Unlimited, LLC dba Delta Pest Control & Lawn Service. This change order will increase referenced contract by $190,147.00 for a total estimated amount not to exceed $1,232,150.00. This change order will provide additional capacity for the duration of the contract and while a replacement contract is awarded. Department: Streets and Maintenance Award to: Delta Unlimited, LLC dba Delta Pest Control & Lawn Service City & State: El Paso, TX Current Contract Estimated Amount: $1,042,003.00 Change Order Award: $190,147.00 Total estimated Amount not to Exceed: $1,232,150.00 Account(s): 532-1000-522260-31040-P3120 Funding Source(s): General Fund District(s): All This was a Best Value Bid Award - unit price contract.   Not available Not available
25-13 19. OrdinancesAn Ordinance amending Title 12 (Vehicles and Traffic), Chapter 12.88 Schedules), Section 12.88.200 (Schedule XVII-Restrictions on Parking in Residential Districts), Subsection Zone O: No Parking Any Time, Tow Away Zone, of the El Paso City Code, to add Item 2: 3720 E. San Antonio Ave. to 3828 E. San Antonio Ave., south side only; to add Item 3: Gateway Blvd. South from E. San Antonio Ave. to Findley Ave., west side only; to add Item 4: 3700 Findley Ave. to 3821 Findley Ave., north side only; to add Item 5: 3808 Findley Ave. to 3816 Findley Ave., south side only; to add Item 6: Alley Between E. San Antonio Ave. and Findley Ave., from Stevens St. to E. San Antonio Ave., both sides; to add Item 7: S. Stevens St. from Findley Ave. to the alley of Findley Ave., east side only; to add Item 8: S. Latta St. from E. San Antonio Ave. to Findley Ave., both sides; the penalty being provided In Chapter 12.88 of the El Paso City Code.   Not available Not available
25-06 110. Other Bids, Contracts, ProcurementsDiscussion and action on the removal of award of Task Order 2 under Solicitation 2023-0397 in support of the Wainwright Park Phase II project to Keystone GC LLC in an estimated award of $721,242.31. Project's scope of work complete the park to include zip line playground equipment, landscaping, resurface of existing basketball court, and new metal canopy.   Not available Not available
25-20 211. OrdinancesDiscussion and action on an Emergency Ordinance extending Emergency Ordinance No. 019333 authorizing the City Manager to assign personnel and resources to assist in addressing the humanitarian and public safety crisis resulting from a mass migration through El Paso.   Not available Not available
24-1672 212. OrdinancesAn Ordinance amending Title 9 (Health and Safety), Chapter 9.52 (Fire Prevention Code), Section (Section 105.5 Required Operational Permits), Subsection (Definitions) to add definition of “Fire Response Expense”; Section (Section 105.5 Required Operational Permits), Subsection (Permit Requirements) to add Biannual Inspections; Section (Section 105.5 Required Operational Permits), Subsection (Storage) to amend the height limit of combustible materials per unit; Section (Section 105.5 Required Operational Permits) to add Subsection (Response Expenses) to add Response Expenses for Permit Holders Stemming from Fire Events, The penalty as provided in Section of the El Paso City Code.   Not available Not available
24-1655 113. OrdinancesAn Ordinance amending Title 12 (Vehicles and Traffic), Chapter 12.44 (Stopping, Standing and Parking Generally), Section 12.44.280 (Restrictions on Parking in Residential Parking Districts) of the El Paso City Code to perform the following: Amend Paragraph A (Policy) to add “Recreational and Entertainment” for residential uses; to delete “to preserve the value of the property in those districts”; amend Paragraph B (Definitions) to add “Applicant”; amend “Light Density Residential District”; amend “Resident”; amend “Residential Property”; add to Paragraph C (Creation of Residential Parking Districts) Subparagraph 2 (Criteria) Item H “or medium” after Light; to delete Paragraph G (Parking Permits) Subparagraph 4 (Limitations on the issuance of parking permits) Item D; and to add Paragraph G (Parking Permits) Subparagraph 4 (Limitations on the issuance of parking permits) Item D. The penalty as provided in 12.84.010 of the El Paso City Code.   Not available Not available
25-47 114. Other BusinessDiscussion and action that the City Manager, or designee, be authorized to deprogram the proposed Phillipy Court street reconstruction and execute necessary budget transfers to the Mexican American Cultural Center project and Museums and Cultural Affairs Department Art Museum HVAC replacement.   Not available Not available
25-49 115. Other BusinessDiscussion and action on a Resolution that the City Manager, or designee, is authorized to effectuate the purchase and closing of a 1.1720-acre parcel of property legally described as a portion of Tract 1, Section 32, Block 80, Township 1, TEXAS AND PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY SURVEYS, in the City of El Paso, El Paso County Texas including any and all improvements located on the Property for $612,612. Further, the City Manager or designee is authorized to: (1) execute a Contract of Sale with JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, Successor by Merger to Chase Bank of Texas, National Association, Trustee of the Wilma Donohue Moleen Foundation, (2) sign any and all documents related and/or necessary to effectuate the purchase and closing of the property, (3) exercise all rights and obligations as provided in the Contract of Sale, (4) sign any documents necessary to effectuate any rights or obligations in relation to the purchase and closing of the property, (5) sign any contract amendments provided that such amendments do not increase the purchase price, and (6) use the MPO Match funds   Not available Not available