Upcoming Meetings
NameMeeting DateicsMeeting TimeMeeting LocationMeeting DetailsAdditions to the AgendaAgendaAgenda PacketMinutesVideoeComment
City Council 4/1/2025 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
Mass Transit Department Board 4/1/2025 Export to iCalendar 10:00 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available

All Meetings
NameMeeting Date icsMeeting TimeMeeting LocationMeeting DetailsAdditions to the AgendaAgendaAgenda PacketMinutesVideoeComment
City Council 4/15/2025 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
Financial Oversight and Audit Committee 4/10/2025 Export to iCalendar 2:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL - FIRST FLOOR
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
Mass Transit Department Board 4/1/2025 Export to iCalendar 10:00 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
City Council 4/1/2025 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
City Plan Commission 3/27/2025 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available Not available
Bond Overview Advisory Committee 3/24/2025 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available Not available
Zoning Board of Adjustment 3/24/2025 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available Not available
Museums and Cultural Affairs Advisory Board 3/20/2025 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM VIRTUAL MEETING
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available Not available
Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee 3/20/2025 Export to iCalendar 10:00 AM MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available Not available
City Council Special Meeting 3/20/2025 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM El Paso Convention Center - One Civic Center Plaza, El Paso, TX 79901
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available Not available
Women's Rights Commission 3/18/2025 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available Not available
City Council 3/18/2025 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available Not available
City Council Work Session 3/17/2025 Export to iCalendar 9:05 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available Not available
Civil Service Commission 3/13/2025 Export to iCalendar 6:00 PM MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available Not available
Financial Oversight and Audit Committee 3/13/2025 Export to iCalendar 2:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL - FIRST FLOOR
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available Not available
City Plan Commission 3/13/2025 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available Not available
Animal Shelter Advisory Committee 3/12/2025 Export to iCalendar 6:00 PM VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available Not available
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board 3/12/2025 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM VIRTUAL MEETING
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available Not available
Sun Metro Citizens Advisory Committee 3/12/2025 Export to iCalendar 3:00 PM 10151 MONTANA AVENUE, EL PASO, TX 79925
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available Not available
Public Art Committee 3/11/2025 Export to iCalendar 3:30 PM VIRTUAL MEETING
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available Not available
Zoning Board of Adjustment 3/10/2025 Export to iCalendar Canceled MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available Not available
City Council Special Meeting 3/6/2025 Export to iCalendar 12:15 PM El Paso Convention Center - One Civic Center Plaza, El Paso, TX 79901
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available Not available
Mass Transit Department Board 3/4/2025 Export to iCalendar 10:00 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Video Video Not available
City Council 3/4/2025 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Video Video Not available
City Council Work Session 3/3/2025 Export to iCalendar 9:05 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Video Video Not available
Mass Transit Department Board 2/25/2025 Export to iCalendar 10:00 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet 02/25/25 Mass Transit Department Board Meeting - Minutes 02/25/25 Mass Transit Department Board Meeting - Minutes Video Video Not available
City Council 2/25/2025 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet 02-25-2025 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes 02-25-2025 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes Video Video Not available
City Council Work Session 2/24/2025 Export to iCalendar 9:05 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet 02-24-2025 Work Session Minutes 02-24-2025 Work Session Minutes Video Video Not available
Museums and Cultural Affairs Advisory Board 2/20/2025 Export to iCalendar Canceled EPMA Board Room, 1 Arts Festival Plaza, El Paso, Texas 79901
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available Not available
Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee 2/20/2025 Export to iCalendar 10:00 AM MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available Not available
City Review Committee 2/19/2025 Export to iCalendar 10:00 AM VIRTUAL MEETING
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available Not available
Women's Rights Commission 2/18/2025 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available Not available
Civil Service Commission 2/13/2025 Export to iCalendar 6:00 PM MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available 2-13-2025 Civil Service Commission Minutes 2-13-2025 Civil Service Commission Minutes Not available Not available
Financial Oversight and Audit Committee 2/12/2025 Export to iCalendar 2:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL - FIRST FLOOR
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available 02-12-25 FOAC Minutes 02-12-25 FOAC Minutes Not available Not available
Public Art Committee 2/11/2025 Export to iCalendar 3:30 PM VIRTUAL MEETING
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available Not available
Zoning Board of Adjustment 2/10/2025 Export to iCalendar Canceled MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available Not available
Mass Transit Department Board 2/4/2025 Export to iCalendar 10:00 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet 02/04/2025 Mass Transit Department Board - Minutes 02/04/2025 Mass Transit Department Board - Minutes Video Video Not available
City Council 2/4/2025 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet 02-04-2025 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes 02-04-2025 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes Video Video Not available
City Council Work Session 2/3/2025 Export to iCalendar 9:05 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet 02-03-2025 Work Session Minutes 02-03-2025 Work Session Minutes Video Video Not available
Zoning Board of Adjustment 1/27/2025 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available Not available
City Council 1/22/2025 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet 01-22-2025 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes 01-22-2025 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes Video Video Not available
Women's Rights Commission 1/21/2025 Export to iCalendar Canceled 300 N Campbell St 79901 HR Durango Conference Room
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available Not available
City Council Work Session 1/21/2025 Export to iCalendar 9:05 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet 01-21-2025 Work Session Minutes 01-21-2025 Work Session Minutes Video Video Not available
Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee 1/16/2025 Export to iCalendar 11:30 AM MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available Not available
Sun Metro Citizens Advisory Committee 1/8/2025 Export to iCalendar Canceled 10151 MONTANA AVENUE, EL PASO, TX 79925
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available Not available
Mass Transit Department Board 1/7/2025 Export to iCalendar 10:00 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet 01/07/2025 Mass Transit Department Board - Minutes 01/07/2025 Mass Transit Department Board - Minutes Video Video Not available
City Council 1/7/2025 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet 01-07-2025 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes 01-07-2025 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes Video Video Not available

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