Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/13/2024 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: 08-13-2024 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes 08-13-2024 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-1087 11. MinutesApproval of the Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of July 30, 2024, the Agenda Review Meeting of July 29, 2024, the Work Session of July 29, 2024, and the Special Meeting of August 1, 2024.   Action details Not available
24-62 12. Request to ExcuseREQUEST TO EXCUSE ABSENT CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS   Action details Not available
24-1070 13. ResolutionsA Resolution that the City Manager, or designee, be authorized to assign the Lessor's Approval of Assignment by and among the City of El Paso, Almond Opportunity, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company ("Assignor"), and 220 S 17th, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company ("Assignee") for the following described property: A portion of Lots 4 and 5, Block 8, Butterfield Trail Industrial Park Unit One, Replat "A", in the City of El Paso, Texas, as more particularly described by metes and bounds in the lease, and commonly known as 8 Zane Grey, El Paso, Texas.   Action details Not available
24-1074 14. ResolutionsThat the Solid Waste liens on the attachment posted with this agenda be approved (See Attachment A).   Action details Not available
24-1075 15. ResolutionsThat the Planning and Inspections lien in the amount of $16,549.69 for property located at 3626 Hayes Ave. be approved.   Action details Not available
24-1065 16. ResolutionsA Resolution to authorize the City Manager, or designee, to sign an Advance Funding Agreement by and between the City of El Paso and the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation, for a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) project on N. Lee Trevino Drive from Tom Weiskopf Drive to 0.1 mile south of Montwood Drive, including installation of warning/guide signs, school zone improvement, and the installation of dynamic speed feedback signs, which has an estimated total project cost of $66,081.67 of which the estimated local government participation amount is estimated at $6,288.00. Further, that the City Manager, or designee, is authorized to sign all documents, agreement amendments, and perform all actions required to carry out the obligations of the City under this agreement.   Action details Not available
24-1066 17. ResolutionsA Resolution to authorize the City Manager, or designee, to sign an Advance Funding Agreement by and between the City of El Paso and the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation, for the design and construction of the highway improvement project generally described as Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) (Improve traffic signals, school zone, feedback signs, and pavement marking) - Pebble Hills Boulevard from Saul Kleinfeld Drive to Kings Crest Drive, which has an estimated total project cost of $282,271.04 of which the estimated local government participation amount is estimated at $16,514.51 plus any cost overruns. Further, that the City Manager, or designee, is authorized to sign all documents, agreement amendments, and perform all actions required to carry out the obligations of the City under this agreement.   Action details Not available
24-1067 18. ResolutionsA Resolution to authorize the City Manager, or designee, to sign an Advance Funding Agreement by and between the City of El Paso and the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation, for a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) project on Piedras Street from SH20 to Gateway East Boulevard, including the installation of LED flashing chevrons (curve) and edge marking, which has an estimated total project cost of $59,870.74 of which the estimated local government participation amount is estimated at $5,697.00 plus any cost overruns. Further, that the City Manager, or designee, is authorized to sign all documents, agreement amendments, and perform all actions required to carry out the obligations of the City under this agreement.   Action details Not available
24-1068 19. ResolutionsA Resolution to authorize the City Manager, or designee, to sign an Advance Funding Agreement by and between the City of El Paso and the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation, for a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) project on Resler Drive from Transmountain Road to Desert Pass, including improving traffic signals and installing flashing yellow arrow, which has an estimated total project cost of $149,241.80 of which the estimated local government participation amount is estimated at $12,426.00 plus any cost overruns. Further, that the City Manager, or designee, is authorized to sign all documents, agreement amendments, and perform all actions required to carry out the obligations of the City under this agreement.   Action details Not available
24-1069 110. ResolutionsA Resolution to authorize the City Manager, or designee, to sign an Advance Funding Agreement by and between the City of El Paso and the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation, for a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) project on Shadow Mountain Drive from SH 20 to 0.2 miles north of SH 20, including installation of pedestrian hybrid beacon and pedestrian crosswalk, which has an estimated total project cost of $179,843.99 of which the estimated local government participation amount is estimated at $14,973.85 plus any cost overruns. Further, that the City Manager, or designee, is authorized to sign all documents, agreement amendments, and perform all actions required to carry out the obligations of the City under this agreement.   Action details Not available
24-1071 111. ResolutionsA Resolution to authorize the City Manager, or designee, to sign an Advance Funding Agreement by and between the City of El Paso and the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation, for a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) project on Stanton Street from Montana Avenue to Missouri Avenue, including the installation of warning/guide signs, wrong way driver warning markings and dynamic speed feedback signs, which has an estimated total project cost of $75,491.52 of which the estimated local government participation amount is estimated at $7,183.00 plus any cost overruns. Further, that the City Manager, or designee, is authorized to sign all documents, agreement amendments, and perform all actions required to carry out the obligations of the City under this agreement.   Action details Not available
24-1072 112. ResolutionsA Resolution to authorize the City Manager, or designee, to sign an Advance Funding Agreement by and between the City of El Paso and the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation, for a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) project on Yarbrough Drive from Montana Avenue to Cinecue Drive, including improving traffic signals and installing flashing yellow arrow, which has an estimated total project cost of $117,195.30 of which the estimated local government participation amount is estimated at $9,538.58 plus any cost overruns. Further, that the City Manager, or designee, is authorized to sign all documents, agreement amendments, and perform all actions required to carry out the obligations of the City under this agreement.   Action details Not available
24-1073 113. ResolutionsA Resolution to authorize the City Manager, or designee, to sign an Advance Funding Agreement by and between the City of El Paso and the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation, for a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) project on Edgemere Boulevard from McRae Boulevard to Tim Foster Street, including improving traffic signals and installing flashing yellow arrow, which has an estimated total project cost of $206,578.07 of which the estimated local government participation amount is estimated at $17,199.83 plus any cost overruns. Further, that the City Manager, or designee, is authorized to sign all documents, agreement amendments, and perform all actions required to carry out the obligations of the City under this agreement.   Action details Not available
24-997 114. ResolutionsA Resolution to authorize the Mayor to sign the FY22 Interlocal Agreement between the City of El Paso and the City of San Elizario, and that the FY22 Interlocal Agreement signed by the City of San Elizario on October 12, 2021 is hereby ratified by the City Council of the City of El Paso.   Action details Not available
24-1088 115. Board Re-AppointmentsBarbara Yancy-Tooks as a regular member to the Fair Housing Task Force by Representative Joe Molinar, District 4.   Action details Not available
24-1063 116. Applications for Tax RefundsThat the tax refunds listed on the attachment posted with this agenda be approved. This action would allow us to comply with state law which requires approval by the legislative body of refunds of tax overpayments greater than $2,500.00. (See Attachment B)   Action details Not available
24-1082 117. Notice for NotationFor notation only, the P-Card Transactions for the period of June 21, 2024 - July 20, 2024 for Mayor, City Council Representatives, City Attorney’s Office, City Manager’s Office and staff.   Action details Not available
24-1077 118. Notice of Campaign ContributionsFor notation pursuant to Section 2.92.080 of the City Code: receipt of campaign contributions by Alejandra Chavez in the amount of $1,000.00 from Kelly Tomblin, $1,000.00 from Margarita Escudero, $1,000.00 from Miguel Fernandez, $2,000.00 from Richard Aguilar, and $811.88 In-kind donation from Ann Morgan Lilly.   Action details Not available
24-1094 119. Notice of Campaign ContributionsFor notation pursuant to Section 2.92.080 of the City Code: receipt of campaign contributions by Renard Johnson in the amount of $500.00 from Teresa Niño $1,000.00 from Mark Austin, $500.00 from Vince Carson, $500.00 from Rick Lange, $500.00 from Jack Chapman, $1,000.00 from Donald Margo, $500.00 from Rebecca and Alan Krasne, $5,000.00 from Wayne Martin, $500.00 from Ogechika Alozie, $500.00 from Nancy Laster, $1,250.00 from Alvaro Bustillos, $1,000.00 form Hector Delgado, $500.00 from Steven Buraczyk, $500.00 from Daniel Kasuga, $2,500.00 from Javier "Jay" Reyes, $1,250.00 from F. James Volk, $500.00 from Harris Hatfield, $1,000.00 from Flor "Flower" Loya, and $500.00 from Andrew Gallardo.   Action details Not available
24-1097 120. Notice of Campaign ContributionsFor notation pursuant to Section 2.92.080 of the City Code: receipt of campaign contributions by Renard Johnson in the amount of $2,500.00 from J K Robison, $1,000.00 from Laura Karam, $500.00 from Ogechika Alozie, $500.00 from LJ & Associations LLC, $500.00 from Kathy Palacios, $500.00 from Stephen Spurgin, and $500.00 from Ann Morgan Lilly.   Action details Not available
24-1098 121. Notice of Campaign ContributionsFor notation pursuant to Section 2.92.080 of the City Code: receipt of campaign contributions by Renard Johnson in the amount of $500.00 from Jay Kleberg, $1,000.00 from David Rascon, $500.00 from Scott Walker, $5,000.00 from Alvin Johnson, $500.00 from Lukin T Gilliland Jr., $500.00 from Nicole Velesiotis, $1,000.00 from Rosa Santana, $500.00 from Manny Pelaez, $1,000.00 from Christian Archer, $8,600.00 from Adam Frank, $1,000.00 from Alvin Johnson, $500.00 from Ogechika Alozie, $500.00 from Andrea Weckstein, $1,000.00 from JW & Lory Rogers, $500.00 from Chris Hollins Campaign, and $1,000.00 from Welcome Wilson Jr.   Action details Not available
24-1111 122. Notice of Campaign ContributionsFor notation pursuant to Section 2.92.080 of the City Code: receipt of campaign contributions by Renard Johnson in the amount of $500.00 from Gina Martinez, $1,250.00 from Ricardo Mora $1,250.00 from Cindy Osborn, $750.00 from Jack Chapman, $2,500.00 from Eduardo Fernandez, $1,000.00 from Jacob Fraire, $500.00 from Ogechika Alozie, $1,500.00 from IBEW PAC Voluntary Fund, $500.00 from Shari Schwartz, $1,000.00 from Rogelio Lopez, $500.00 from Stephen Vargas, $1,000.00 from Frank X. Spencer, $1,000.00 from Jean Vanderpool, $2,000.00 from Roland Correa, $500.00 from Donald Luciano, $500.00 from Omar Veliz, and $2,500.00 from Debra & Javier "Jay" Reyes.   Action details Not available
24-1119 123. Notice of Campaign ContributionsFor notation pursuant to Section 2.92.080 of the City Code, receipt of campaign contributions by Mayor Pro Tempore Kennedy in the amounts of $1,000.00 from Blake Barrow, $500.00 from Keli & Calvin Griffin, $500.00 from Karla Alba, $500.00 from Richard Zooel Sanchez Munoz, $500.00 from Ana Laura Perez Lara, $500.00 from Jose Angel Flores, $1,000.00 from William Christopher Saab, $500.00 from John Thomas and Mary & Thompson, $500.00 from Jose and Lilia Limon, and $500.00 from Christina Acosta.   Action details Not available
24-1132 124. Notice of Campaign ContributionsFor notation pursuant to Section 2.92.080 of the City Code, receipt of campaign contributions by Representative Josh Acevedo in the amount of $250.00 from Xilonin Cruz-Gonzalez and $500.00 from Raaheela Ahmed.   Action details Not available
24-1078 125. Requests to Issue Purchase OrdersThe linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 8.3 Enhance animal services to ensure El Paso’s pets are provided a safe and healthy environment. Award Summary: Request that the Managing Director of Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing be authorized to issue Purchase Order(s) to increase contract 2021-1258 Animal Food to Legend + White Animal Health Corp. This change order will increase referenced contract by $233,762.84 for a total estimated amount not to exceed $1,168,981.64. This change order will accommodate the price increases on food and formula for the remainder of the contract period. Contract Variance: Not Applicable. Department: Animal Services Award to: Legend + White Animal Health Corp. City & State: Lincolnshire, IL Current Contract Estimated Amount: $935,218.80 Change Order Award: $233,762.84 Total estimated Amount not to Exceed: $1,168,981.64 Account(s): 225 - 2580 - 25110 - 531100 Funding Source(s): Animal Services Fund. District(s): All This was a Low Bid Award - unit price contract.   Action details Not available
24-1080 126. Request for ProposalsThe linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection 2.3 Increase public safety operational efficiency. Award Summary: Request that the Managing Director of Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing be authorized to issue Purchase Order(s) to increase contract 2019-633R Medical Control Services to Texas Tech University Health Services Center at El Paso. This change order will increase referenced contract by $176,832.88 for a total estimated amount not to exceed $884,164.39. This change order will accommodate the six-month extension of time added to this contract. Contract Variance: Not Applicable. Department: Fire Award to: Texas Tech University Health Services Center at El Paso City & State: El Paso, Texas Current Contract Estimated Amount: $707,331.51 Change Order Award: $176,832.88 Total estimated Amount not to Exceed: $884,164.39 Account(s): 322 - 1000 - 22070 - 521120-P2212 Funding Source(s): General Fund. District(s): All This was a Request for Qualification - service contract.   Action details Not available
24-1083 127. BidsThe linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 8.5 Improve air quality throughout El Paso. Award Summary: The award of Solicitation No. 2024-0535 to Teledyne Instruments, Inc., dba Teledyne API for a one-time purchase for an estimated amount of $93,606.00. This contract will allow the Environmental Service Department to replace the current air quality monitors at two sites and continue to collect data on particulate matter in the air and minimize data collection interruptions. Contract Variance: N/A Department: Environmental Services Department Award to: Teledyne Instruments, Inc., dba Teledyne API City & State: Thousand Oaks, CA Item(s): All Initial Term: One-Time Purchase Option Term: NA Total Contract Time: One-Time Purchase Annual Estimated Award: $93,606.00 Initial Term Estimated Award: $93,606.00 Option Term Estimated Award: NA Total Estimated Award $93,606.00 Account(s) 334 - 3150 - 34030 - 580290 - P3436 - GT342423 Funding Source(s): Environmental Services-Capital District(s): All This was a Low Bid Procurement - (uni   Action details Not available
24-1135 128. Members of the City CouncilDiscussion and action that the City Council declares that the expenditure of District 6 discretionary funds, in an amount not to exceed $5,500.00, to purchase two (2) radar-based data collectors to be utilized by El Paso Police Department, this expenditure serves the municipal purpose of increasing public safety operation efficiency.ApprovePass Action details Video Video
24-1127 129. Members of the City CouncilDiscussion and action to approve a Resolution that allocates the use of an amount not to exceed $3,500 for the 2024 Annual Texas Municipal League (TML) Conference in Houston, TX. The expenditure is an allowable expense because TML is an organization that advocates, educates, and represents government entities in the entire state.ApprovePass Action details Video Video
24-1127 129. Members of the City CouncilDiscussion and action to approve a Resolution that allocates the use of an amount not to exceed $3,500 for the 2024 Annual Texas Municipal League (TML) Conference in Houston, TX. The expenditure is an allowable expense because TML is an organization that advocates, educates, and represents government entities in the entire state.   Action details Not available
24-1128 130. Members of the City CouncilDiscussion and action to authorize the expenditure of District 4 discretionary funds, in the amount not to exceed $2,500.00, for the District 4 office to attend and participate at the 2024 Texas Municipal League Conference in Houston, Texas. Serving municipal purpose of increasing expertise and adeptness in performing the duties of a public official.ApprovePass Action details Video Video
24-1133 131. Members of the City CouncilDiscussion and action on the transfer of $52,165.87 from the District 1 Discretionary Account to the District 1 General Fund on August 13, 2024.ApprovePass Action details Video Video
24-797 132. Members of the City CouncilDiscussion and action on a Resolution to appoint a member to the El Paso Water Utilities Public Service Board of Trustees in the area of expertise of Environmental or Health, as recommended by the El Paso Water Utilities Public Service Board Selection Committee: Ranked 1st: Dr. Hector Ocaranza Ranked 2nd: Dr. Aldo Maspons [POSTPONED FROM 06-11-2024]ApprovePass Action details Video Video
24-1076 133. OrdinancesAn Ordinance of the City Council of the City of El Paso, Texas, reaffirming the City’s participation in the Texas Enterprise Zone Program pursuant to the Texas Enterprise Zone Act, Chapter 2303, Texas Government Code (“Act”); confirming the designation of a liaison for communication with interested parties; providing available tax incentives; and allowing for future nominations of qualified businesses and enterprise projects to be approved by resolution if nominee meets all requirements as established by the act and any other applicable state law.ApprovePass Action details Video Video
24-1044 134. OrdinancesAn Ordinance amending Title 9 (Health and Safety), Chapter 9.04 (Solid Waste Management), Section 9.04.170 (Collection Providers) addressing the need for disposal of solid waste and recyclable materials at all commercial and mixed-use properties, By adding provisions to require notice and time to remedy violations, and for the enforcement of this section, of the El Paso City Code, promoting greater safety and improved service to the citizens of El Paso in the collection of solid waste and recyclables at commercial and mixed-use properties throughout the City of El Paso.   Action details Not available
24-1046 235. OrdinancesAn Ordinance amending Title 9 (Health and Safety), Chapter 9.04 (Solid Waste Management), Section 9.04.100 (Location for Collection) of the El Paso City Code to add alleys to approved excluded collection locations and establish alley collection service and procedures at designated locations and expand the requirements for sidedoor collection.   Action details Not available
24-1047 236. OrdinancesAn Ordinance amending Title 12 (Vehicles and Traffic), Chapter 12.44 (Stopping, Standing and Parking Generally), Section 12.44.010 (Where Signs Required) to add Alleys, Section 12.44.080 (Traffic Obstruction Prohibited) to add No Parking Signs, Section 12.44.160 (Parking in Alleys) to add Designation of Authority of the El Paso City Code.   Action details Not available
24-1059 137. OrdinancesAn Ordinance changing the zoning of a portion of Tracts 17C1 and 17C2, Section 8, Block 79, Township 2, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas from C-4/c (Commercial/conditions) to C-2/c (Commercial/condition), and imposing a condition. The penalty is as provided for in Chapter 20.24 of the El Paso City Code. The proposed rezoning meets the intent of the Future Land Use designation for the property and is in accordance with Plan El Paso, the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Subject Property: Picasso and Zaragoza Applicant: Picasso Place, LLC, PZRZ24-00007   Action details Not available
24-1060 138. OrdinancesAn Ordinance amending a condition placed on property by Ordinance No. 15959 which changed the zoning of a portion of Tracts 17C1 and 17C2, Section 8, Block 79, Township 2, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas. The penalty is as provided for in Chapter 20.24 of the El Paso City Code. The proposed condition release meets the intent of the Future Land Use designation for the property and is in accordance with Plan El Paso, the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Subject Property: Picasso and Zaragoza Applicant: Picasso Place, LLC, PZCR24-00001   Action details Not available
24-1027 139. OrdinancesPublic hearing on an Ordinance levying FY 2024 - 2025 taxes. ADOPTION WILL TAKE PLACE ON AUGUST 20, 2024ApprovePass Action details Video Video
24-1134 140. Other BusinessPublic Hearing on the Proposed Budget, as amended, for the City of El Paso, filed by the City Manager with the City Clerk on July 15, 2024, which begins on September 1, 2024 and ends on August 31, 2025.ApprovePass Action details Video Video
24-1055 241. Other Bids, Contracts, ProcurementsDiscussion and action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign an Agreement for Professional Services by and between the City of El Paso and MNK Architects, Inc., a Texas For-Profit Corporation, for a project known as “Architect and Engineering Services for the El Paso Police Department Northeast Regional Command Center Renovation Project” for an amount not to exceed $858,101.87; that the City Engineer is authorized to approve additional Basic Services and Reimbursables for an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 and to approve Additional Services for an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 if such services are necessary for the proper execution of the project and that the increased amounts are within the appropriate budgets of the project for a total amount of $958,101.87; and that the City Manager be authorized to establish the funding sources and make any necessary budget transfers and execute any and all documents necessary for the execution of the AgreementApprovePass Action details Video Video
24-1064 142. Other Bids, Contracts, ProcurementsThe linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 2.3 Increase public safety operational efficiency. Award Summary: Discussion and action on the award of Solicitation 2023-0683R Transport Medical Billing and Collections to Digitech Computer, LLC. for an initial term of three (3) years for an estimated amount of $ 5,503,740.00. This contract will allow the Fire Department to manage the billing and collection services of EMS (Emergency Medical Services) and ambulance related transport. Contract Variance: The difference based in comparison to the previous contract is as follows: An increase of $744,045.00 per year, which represents 68.23% due to an increase in requests for emergency ambulance services. Department: Fire Award to: Digitech Computer, LLC. City & State: Chappaqua, NY Item(s): All Initial Term: 3 Year Option Term: N/A Total Contract Time: 1 Year Annual Estimated Award: $1,834,580.00 Total Estimated Award $5,503,740.00 Account(s) 322 - 1000 - 22070 - 522010 - P2212 Funding Source(s): General Fund District(s): All This was a Request for Proposals ProcurApprovePass Action details Video Video
24-1081 143. Other Bids, Contracts, ProcurementsThe linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 4.2 Create innovative recreational, educational and cultural programs. Award Summary: Discussion and action on the request that the Managing Director of Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing be authorized to issue Purchase Order(s) for Solicitation 2024-0518 DIGIE APP Website to Gibson Group TouchCity Limited, the sole service provider and developer, for a term of three (3) years for an estimated amount of $119,028.00. Supplier will be required to provide an updated sole source letter and affidavit each year. This contract will provide continued maintenance services and software support to maintain the functionality of the website. Contract Variance: The difference based in comparison to the previous contract is as follows: A decrease of $223,378.40, represents a 65.24% cost decrease, due to the removal of implementation cost related to website development and upgrades to the existing digital wall and its components. Department: Museum and Cultural Affairs Award to: Gibson Group TouchCity Limited City & State: WellApprovePass Action details Video Video
24-1079 144. Other Bids, Contracts, ProcurementsThe linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 7.2 Improve competitiveness through infrastructure improvements impacting the quality of life. Award Summary: Discussion and action on the award of Solicitation 2024-0472 Traffic Signals Improvements to ZTEX Construction, Inc. for a total estimated amount of $2,557,478.40. This project will consist of installation of traffic signals to enhance vehicular and pedestrian traffic flow at various intersections throughout the city. Intersections included in this project are Paseo del Norte and West Towne, Paseo del Norte and Northern Pass, Frontera and Roxbury School Flasher, and Hawkins and W H Burges. Department: Capital Improvement Award to: ZTEX Construction, Inc. City & State: El Paso, TX Item(s): Base Proposal I, II, III, IV Contract Term: 217 Consecutive Calendar Days Base Proposal I: $535,417.10 Base Proposal II: $925,101.40 Base Proposal III $461,450.60 Base Proposal IV $635,509.30 Total Estimated Award: $2,557,478.40 Account(s): 190 - 4930 - 38290 - 580270 - PEDFY23016 190 - 4825 - 29110ApprovePass Action details Video Video
24-716 245. OrdinancesAn Ordinance granting to Valu Advertising, LLC a non-exclusive franchise for waste containers on sidewalks and other city property.ApprovePass Action details Video Video
24-927 246. OrdinancesAn Ordinance changing the zoning of the following real property known as: Parcel 1: 52.17 Acres of land out of a 381.90 Acre Tract (described in Volume 2526, Page 2033 Real Property Records of El Paso County, Texas), now known as Tract 1A, Section 16, Block 79, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas from R-3 (Residential) and R-F (Ranch and Farm) to C-4 (Commercial); and, Parcel 2: 9.72 Acre portion out of a 381.90 Acre Tract described in Volume 2526, Page 2033, Real Property Records of El Paso County, Texas, being Tract 1A, Section 16, Block 79, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas, from R-F (Ranch and Farm) to C-2 (Commercial); and, Parcel 3: 15.00 Acres of land out of a 381.90 Acre Tract (described in Volume 2526, Page 2033, Real Property Records of El Paso County, Texas), now known as Tract 1A, Section 16, Block 79, Township 3, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas, from R-F (Ranch and Farm) to A-O (Apartment/Office), and impoApprovePass Action details Video Video
24-1056 147. OrdinancesAn Ordinance amending Title 12 (Vehicles and Traffic), Chapter 12.56 (Parking Meters), Section 12.56.070 (Applicability of Proceeds) to remove the Applicability of Proceeds from 2025 until 2042 for the Central Traffic District and the South El Paso District.ApprovePass Action details Video Video
24-1040 148. OrdinancesAn Ordinance ordering a Special Election to be held in the City of El Paso, Texas to determine whether to revoke the City’s authority to issue bonds for the Multipurpose Performing Arts and Entertainment Facility voted at the City’s November 6, 2012 Election; making provision for the conduct of the election; and resolving other matters incident and related to such election.ApprovePass Action details Video Video
24-1091 149. Other BusinessDiscussion and action that the City Council approve the proposed communications plan and budget for the Special Election to revoke the remaining bond authority for the Multipurpose Performing Arts and Entertainment Facility on November 5, 2024.   Action details Video Video
24-1091 149. Other BusinessDiscussion and action that the City Council approve the proposed communications plan and budget for the Special Election to revoke the remaining bond authority for the Multipurpose Performing Arts and Entertainment Facility on November 5, 2024.ApprovePass Action details Video Video