Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/12/2023 9:00 AM Minutes status: *** DRAFT ***  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: 12-12-2023 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes 12-12-2023 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
23-1605 11. MinutesApproval of the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of December 4, 2023.   Not available Not available
23-137 12. Request to ExcuseREQUEST TO EXCUSE ABSENT CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS   Not available Not available
23-1581 23. ResolutionsA Resolution that the Director of Aviation, or designee, be authorized to submit a minor boundary modification application and all supporting documents and coordination with taxing entities for letters of support, to the U.S. Foreign Trade Zones Board, which will modify the boundaries of Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) 68 to include the following parcel: 490 A Bill Burnett Drive, El Paso County, Texas 79928 which is Building 1 of the new Constellation Development Industrial Park (approximately 25 acres).   Not available Not available
23-1504 14. ResolutionsThat the period of January 2, 2024, through January 20, 2024, be declared Library Amnesty period for the El Paso Public Library (“the Library”) to waive $1.00 worth of fines for every canned or non-perishable food donation, $1.00 worth of fines for every can of pet food, and $2.00 worth of fines for every pound of dry pet food made to the Martin Luther King (MLK) Canned Food Drive and Animal Services at Library locations, provided that all materials are returned to the Library in good condition.   Not available Not available
23-1596 15. ResolutionsApproval of a Resolution that upon termination of Transportation Reinvestment Zone Number Two on December 31, 2023 that the City Manager, or designee, be authorized to transfer any funds remaining in the Zone’s tax increment account to the General Fund.   Not available Not available
23-1580 16. Applications for Tax RefundsA refund to CoreLogic Refunds Dept., in the amount of $4,347.00 for an overpayment made on December 29, 2021 of 2021 taxes, Geo. # S380-999-0110-2600. This action would allow us to comply with state law which requires approval by the legislative body of refunds of tax overpayments greater than $2,500.00.   Not available Not available
23-1618 17. Notice of Campaign ContributionsFor notation pursuant to Section 2.92.080 of the City Code, receipt of campaign contributions by City Representative Alexsandra Annello: Robert & Rosario Halpern $2,000.   Not available Not available
23-1579 18. BidsThe linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 7.3 - Enhance a regional comprehensive transportation system. Award Summary: The award of Solicitation 2024-0019 Bel Air High School HAWK Signal Improvements to EL PASO A.R.C. ELECTRIC, INC. for a total estimated amount of $198,332.21. This contract will allow for the installation of a HAWK - Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Signal at the intersection of Yarbrough Drive and Esther Road to serve Bel Air High School. Department: Streets and Maintenance Award to: EL PASO A.R.C. ELECTRIC, INC. City & State: El Paso, TX Item(s): Base Bid I Contract Term: 90 Consecutive Calendar Days Base Bid I: $198,332.21 Total Estimated Award: $198,332.21 Account(s): 532 - 4970 - 580270 - 32020 - PCP23ST001 Funding Source(s): Other Outside Sources Fund - Bel Air HAWK System Flashers Project District(s): 7 This was a Low Bid Procurement - unit price contract. The Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing Department and Streets and Maintenance Department recommend award as indicated to EL PASO A.R.C. ELECTRIC, INC. the lowest r   Not available Video Video
23-1588 19. BidsThe linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 7.3 - Enhance a regional comprehensive transportation system. Award Summary: The award of Solicitation 2024-0018 Eastwood High School HAWK Signal Improvements to EL PASO A.R.C. ELECTRIC, INC. for a total estimated amount of $172,764.89. This contract will allow for the installation of a HAWK - Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Signal at the intersection of McRae Boulevard and Daugherty Drive to serve Eastwood High School. Department: Streets and Maintenance Award to: EL PASO A.R.C. ELECTRIC, INC. City & State: El Paso, TX Item(s): Base Bid I Contract Term: 90 Consecutive Calendar Days Base Bid I: $172,764.89 Total Estimated Award: $172,764.89 Account(s): 532 - 4970 - 580270 - 32020 - PCP23ST001 Funding Source(s): Other Outside Sources Fund - Eastwood HAWK System Flashers Project District(s): 7 This was a Low Bid Procurement - unit price contract. The Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing Department and Streets and Maintenance Department recommend award as indicated to EL PASO A.R.C. ELECTRIC, INC. the l   Not available Not available
23-1590 110. Operational Focus UpdatesPresentation on the FY 2023 4th Quarter Financial Report.   Not available Video Video
23-1587 111. Operational Focus UpdatesPresentation and discussion providing a preview of the upcoming Strategic Planning Session, including the integration of the Comprehensive Plan Update, and an operations update focused on the Parks System and City Facilities: 1. Parks System Update (Ben Fyffe and Emigdio Gonzalez) 2. Facilities Update (Victor Morales) 3. Strategic Planning Session preview and integration of the Comprehensive Plan Update (Juliana Baldwin-Munoz and Alex Hoffman)   Not available Video Video
23-1591 112. Operational Focus UpdatesPresentation and update on behalf of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Cross Functional Team. [POSTPONED FROM 12-12-2023 AND 01-17-2024]   Not available Video Video
23-1592 213. Operational Focus UpdatesDiscussion on City Council-requested action to develop additional Police Department policies with respect to gender-diverse individuals and bias-free policing. [POSTPONED FROM 12-12-2023 AND 01-17-2024]   Not available Not available
23-1583 114. Other Bids, Contracts, ProcurementsThe linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 4.2 Create innovative recreational, educational and cultural programs. Award Summary: Discussion and action on the Request that the Managing Director of Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing be authorized to issue Purchase Order(s) for Solicitation 2024-0196 Youth Football Referees to David Baray for an initial term of three (3) years for an estimated amount of $724,050.00. This contract will allow the procurement of certified football referees to officiate Youth Football tournaments and leagues for the Parks and Recreation Department. Contract Variance The difference based in comparison to the previous contract is as follows: An annual increase of $51,950.00, which represents a 26.89% due to the "not to exceed cost per game" was increased by Parks and Recreation Department for Youth Football Referees due to the current wage market for this new contract. Department: Parks and Recreation Award to: David Baray City & State: El Paso, TX Item(s): All Initial Term: 3 Years Option Term: NA Total Contract Time: 3 Years    Not available Video Video
23-1585 115. Other Bids, Contracts, ProcurementsThe linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 5.3 Promote a well-balanced customer service philosophy throughout the organization. Award Summary: Discussion and action on the Request that the Managing Director of Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing be authorized to issue Purchase Order(s) for Solicitation 2024-0152 Digital Learning Computers for Kids to AWE Acquisition, Inc. dba AWE Learning the (sole source/sole and/or authorized distributor) for a one-time purchase for an estimated amount of $77,755.00. This contract will allow the Libraries Department to purchase Bilingual computer stations for kids. Contract Variance: No contract variance, new purchase of equipment of this sort. Department: Libraries Award to: AWE Acquisition, Inc. dba AWE Learning City & State: Chester, PA Item(s): All Total Contract Time: One-time Total Estimated Award: $77,755.00 Account(s): 533020-453-4930-53000-P22ROLLIBCOMPLAB Funding Source(s): Libraries - Capital Projects - Internal District(s): All Non-Competitive Procurement under Local Government General Exemption: Section 252.022   Not available Video Video
23-1589 116. Other Bids, Contracts, ProcurementsThe linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 6.1 Recruit and retain a skilled and diverse workforce. Award Summary: Discussion and action on the award of Solicitation No. 2024-0113R Executive Recruiting Services (Re-Bid) for on-call executive recruitment services. Services will be requested on a task order basis by and between the following two (2) firms: 1. Baker Tilly US, LLP; and 2. Octagon Staffing, LLC Each consultant will perform the work on a task order basis pursuant to the rates established in Solicitation No. 2024-0113R. Each on-call executive recruitment award for an initial term of three (3) years for an estimated amount of $540,000.00. The award also includes a two (2) year option for an estimated amount of $360,000.00. The total amount of the contract, including the initial term plus the option for a total of five (5) years, is for an estimated amount of $900,000.00. Contract Variance: The difference based in comparison to the previous contract is as follows: An increase of $90,000.00 for the initial term, which represents a 20.00% increase due to add   Not available Video Video
23-1582 117. Other Bids, Contracts, ProcurementsThe linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 8.3 Enhance Animal Services to ensure El Paso’s pets are provided a safe and healthy environment. Award Summary: Discussion and action on the award of Solicitation 2023-0624 Animal Services Janitorial Service to Ace Government Services, LLC for an initial term of three (3) years for an estimated amount of $458,211.60. The award also includes a two (2) year option for an estimated amount of $305,474.40 The total contract time is for five (5) years for a total estimated amount of $763,686.00. This contract will provide daily cleaning for the lobby, restrooms and high traffic areas for three locations around the city. Contract Variance: The difference based in comparison to the previous contract is as follows: An increase of $357,152.40 for the initial term, which represents a 353.41% increase due to the addition of a third location as well as an increase in hourly rate. Department: Animal Services Award to: Ace Government Services, LLC City & State: El Paso, TX Item(s): All Initial Term: 3 Years Option Term:    Not available Video Video
23-1319 218. OrdinancesAn Ordinance amending various sections of Title 20 (Zoning), Appendix A (Table of Permissible Uses), and Appendix B (Table of Density and Dimensional Standards) to adopt the Union Plaza Architectural and Design Guidelines and Update References. The penalty is as provided in Chapter 20.24 of the El Paso City Code.   Not available Video Video
23-1565 319. OrdinancesAn Ordinance vacating a portion of City right-of-way located on the property described as Portion of Tract 18-A, Block 4, Upper Valley. City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas. Subject Property: 5000 Country Club Place. Applicant: El Paso Country Club, SURW23-00002   Not available Video Video
23-1606 220. OrdinancesAn Ordinance vacating a 0.948 acre portion of Randolph Street and Blacker Avenue Right-Of-Way, located within Alexander Addition, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas Subject Property: Randolph Street and Blacker Avenue Applicants: University of Texas at El Paso SURW23-00013   Not available Video Video
23-1571 321. OrdinancesAn Ordinance amending Title 2 (Administration and Personnel), Chapter 2.92 (Ethics), to amend the following: Section 2.92.020 (Definitions) Subsection (10) to update the definition of “Contribution”; Section 2.92.080 (Disclosure of Campaign Contributions) to require additional disclosures regarding contributions or donations from individuals or business entities receiving a benefit from a vote of City Council; Sections 2.92.120 (Jurisdiction), Subsection 2.92.130(A)(5) (Duties) and Subsection 2.92.160(B) (Filing a Complaint) to include Commission jurisdiction over and process for complaints regarding candidates, political committees and individuals or business entities obligated under Section 2.92.080; Section 2.92.160(C) (Filing a Complaint), to clarify process for complaints regarding the Chief Internal Auditor; Section 2.92.170(A) (Complaint Review) to amend the time period for response to an Ethics Complaint; and Section 2.92.200 (Disposition) to include a fine of up to $500 as a possible sanction for violation of the Ethics Code.   Not available Video Video
23-1584 122. ResolutionsDiscussion and action on a Resolution for the El Paso City Council to adopt the City of El Paso Department of Aviation, Updated Air Service Development Incentive Program.   Not available Video Video
23-1616 123. Other BusinessDiscussion and action amending the Rules of Order to adjust the notification deadline to appear by videoconference in the event of an emergency in which case the member appearing via videoconference will not appear on the agenda and to clarify that the Rules regarding debate apply to deliberation in executive session and amending the Resolution to attend City Council meetings via videoconference.   Not available Video Video
23-1578 124. Other BusinessDiscussion and action to approve policies and procedures for planning and implementation of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program, HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program.   Not available Video Video
23-1620 1EX1. Executive SessionJacob Barreras v. El Paso Fire Department; Cause No. 123-00047-CV (551.071)   Not available Video Video
23-1621 1EX2. Executive SessionCompliance Filing of El Paso Electric Company to Revise Certain Meter-Related Charges Pursuant to Docket No. 52040 - PUC No. 55425. HQ#UTILITY-28 (551.071)   Not available Video Video
23-1622 1EX3. Executive SessionApplication of El Paso Electric Company to Amend Its Certificate of Convenience and Necessity for a 150 MW Solar Generating Facility Pursuant to - PUC Docket No. 54929. HQ#UTILITY-7 (551.071)   Not available Video Video
23-1623 1EX4. Executive SessionWorkplace Complaint submitted to the City by Chief Internal Auditor. HQ# 23-1372 (551.071)   Not available Video Video