Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Financial Oversight and Audit Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/13/2025 2:00 PM Minutes status: *** DRAFT ***  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
BC-445 11. Board Agenda ItemsApproval of Minutes for the Financial Oversight and Audit Committee meeting of February 12, 2025. [Internal Audit, Edmundo Calderon, (915) 212-1365]   Not available Not available
BC-446 13. Board Agenda ItemsDiscussion and Action on External Audit Results for Fiscal Year 2024. [Office of the Comptroller, Margarita Marin, (915) 212-1174]   Not available Not available
BC-447 15. Board Agenda ItemsDiscussion and Action on the results of the Department of Public Health - Internal Control Review P2024-03. [Internal Audit, Edmundo Calderon, (915) 212-1365]   Not available Not available
BC-448 16. Board Agenda ItemsDiscussion and Action on the results of the Sun Metro Money Room - Internal Control Review P2024-01. [Internal Audit, Edmundo Calderon, (915) 212-1365]   Not available Not available
BC-449 14. Board Agenda ItemsDiscussion on FY 2024-2025 Audit Plan 2nd Quarter Updates. [Internal Audit, Edmundo Calderon, (915) 212-1365]   Not available Not available
BC-472 12. Board Agenda ItemsDiscussion and Action on the 2025 Financial Oversight and Audit Committee Meeting Calendar. [FOAC Chair, Dr. Josh Acevedo, (915) 212-0002]   Not available Not available
BC-474 110. Board Agenda ItemsDiscussion and Action on proposed amendments to the FY 2024-2025 Audit Plan to be sent to City Council for Final Approval at the April 1, 2025 Regular Council Meeting. [FOAC Chair, Dr. Josh Acevedo, (915) 212-0002]   Not available Not available
BC-485 17. Board Agenda ItemsDiscussion and Action on the results of the Division of Military Affairs - Travel and Accounts Payable Audit Report A2024-02. [Internal Audit, Edmundo Calderon, (915) 212-1365]   Not available Not available
BC-486 18. Board Agenda ItemsDiscussion and Action on the results of the Sun Bowl Game Audit Report A2024-04. [Internal Audit, Edmundo Calderon, (915) 212-1365]   Not available Not available
BC-487 19. Board Agenda ItemsDiscussion and Action on the results of the Vehicle Allowance Program Analysis. [Internal Audit, Edmundo Calderon, (915) 212-1365]   Not available Not available