Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/29/2023 9:00 AM Minutes status: *** DRAFT ***  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: 08-29-20203 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes 08-29-20203 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes Meeting Extra1: Addition to the Agenda Addition to the Agenda  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
23-1161 11. MinutesApproval of the Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of August 15, 2023, the Agenda Review of August 14, 2023, and the Special Meeting of July 11, 2023.   Not available Not available
23-127 12. Request to ExcuseREQUEST TO EXCUSE ABSENT CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS   Not available Not available
23-1056 13. ResolutionsA Resolution that the City Manager be authorized to sign and accept on behalf of the City Public Right-of-Way Dedication Deed from EL PASO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, dedicating to the CITY OF EL PASO, TEXAS for the use as public right-of-way 0.0483 acres of land legally described as a portion of Lots 14 and 15, Block 5, El Paso International Airport Tracts Replat of Unit 3, City Of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas, and being more fully described by metes and bounds and surveys in Exhibits “A” and “B” of the Dedication Deed attached to the Resolution and made a part hereof for all purposes. Subject Property: 6631 Montana Ave. Applicant: Brock & Bustillos Inc., SURW23-00008   Not available Not available
23-1060 14. ResolutionsA Resolution that the City Manager be authorized to sign and accept on behalf of the City Public Right-of-Way Dedication Deed from RIVER OAKS PROPERTIES, LTD., dedicating to the CITY OF EL PASO, TEXAS for the use as public right-of-way 0.11 acres of land legally described as a portion of Tract 5C8, Block 2, Ascarate Grant, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas, and being more fully described by metes and bounds and surveys in Exhibits “A” and “B” of the Dedication Deed attached to the Resolution and made a part hereof for all purposes. Subject Property: Sioux Drive Applicant: River Oaks Properties, LTD., SURW23-00007   Not available Not available
23-1160 15. ResolutionsA Resolution that the closure of right-of-way within the City of El Paso for the Mike G’s Downtown Birthday Block Party from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 3, 2023, serves a public purpose of providing cultural and recreational activities for the residents and visitors of the City of El Paso, and in accordance with 43 TAC, Section 22.12, the City Manager be authorized to sign an Agreement For The Temporary Closure of State Right Of Way (Form TEA 30A) by and between the City of El Paso and the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation, for the temporary closure and use of State owned and operated street(s) in excess of four hours for a portion of Texas Ave. upon the issuance of required permits from the City of El Paso and substantial conformity to the finalized TEA30 agreement between the City of El Paso and State of Texas Department of Transportation. (CSEV23-00068)   Not available Not available
23-1176 16. ResolutionsThat the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign the Fourth Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between the City of El Paso (the “City”) and the Ysleta Independent School District (the “District”), signed August 28, 2012, which set out to enhance the quantity and quality of recreational and athletic facility uses available to the residents of the City, at no cost to the City through the shared use of public indoor and outdoor athletic and recreational facilities, owned by each entity. This fourth amendment would extend the Agreement by three (3) months to allow additional time to enter into a new agreement. In addition, the City Manager or designee is hereby authorized to execute any necessary documents to carry out the agreement.   Not available Not available
23-1148 17. ResolutionsApprove a Resolution to accept the annual review of the Service and Assessment Plan for the El Paso Public Improvement District No. 2 (Eastside Sports Complex), approved on October 17, 2017.   Not available Not available
23-1171 18. Special AppointmentsRatify the re-appointment of William Veliz to the Fire and Police Pension Fund Board of Trustees by Interim City Manager Cary Westin.   Not available Not available
23-1152 19. Applications for Tax RefundsThat the tax refunds listed on the attachment posted with this agenda be approved. This action would allow us to comply with state law which requires approval by the legislative body of refunds of tax overpayments greater than $2,500.00. (See Attachment A).   Not available Not available
23-1191 110. Members of the City CouncilUpdate and discussion on item from June 20, 2023 City Council Meeting Agenda to direct the City Manager and City Attorney to develop a plan to uplift the LGBTQIA+ voices and community by creating a plan to include 4 recommendations to ensure a safe community for everyone, and with particular emphasis on recommendations 3 and 4 in relation to state legislation going into effect on September 1, 2023.   Not available Not available
23-1193 111. Members of the City CouncilUpdate and discussion on the status of the final motion of Item 24 from the March 14, 2023 City Council Meeting Agenda to direct staff to schedule briefings with individual members of the City Council regarding the scope of solicitation for an executive search firm to conduct a national search for the hiring of a permanent City Manager.   Not available Not available
23-1194 112. Members of the City CouncilDiscussion and action to direct the City Manager to bring the recommendation of the firm to conduct the search for the permanent City Manager position to City Council for approval.   Not available Not available
23-1190 113. Members of the City CouncilDiscussion and action to approve a Resolution titled “Grandparents Day Resolution”, that honors all grandparents for their contributions and selfless efforts they provide to their families and our society as a whole.   Not available Not available
23-1192 114. Members of the City CouncilDiscussion and action to recognize September as Hunger Action Month in order to bring attention to food insecurity in our communities. [POSTPONED FROM 08-29-2023]   Not available Not available
23-1142 115. Operational Focus UpdatesPresentation and discussion on the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP) FY2020-2023 update.   Not available Not available
23-1057 216. OrdinancesAn Ordinance vacating a Ten-Foot and a Five-Foot Public Utility Easement (0.0238 Acres of Land) located within Lot 9, Block 38, West Hills Unit 12, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas. Subject Property: 904 Fireside Ln. Applicant: Rosario Olivera, SUET23-00001   Not available Not available
23-1109 117. OrdinancesAn Ordinance amending Title 9 (Health and Safety), Chapter 9.04 (Solid Waste Management) to delete the construction and demolition manifest requirement in section 9.04.280 (Manifest Requirement) and to delete references to the said manifest in sections 9.04.020 (Definitions), 9.04.460 (Hauler Records) and 9.04.480 (Suspension, Revocation of a Hauler Permit; Appeals); the penalty being as provided in Section 9.04.630 of the El Paso City Code. [POSTPONED FROM 09-12-2023]   Not available Not available
23-1110 118. OrdinancesAn Ordinance granting El Paso Bench Ads, LLC a non-exclusive franchise for waste containers on sidewalks and other city property.   Not available Not available
23-1140 219. OrdinancesAn Ordinance vacating a portion of City right-of-way over a portion of Mobile Street, Map of Westlyn Heights Addition, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas. Subject Property: Mobile Street Applicant: El Paso Electric Company, SURW23-00004   Not available Not available
23-1147 120. Other Bids, Contracts, ProcurementsThe linkage to the strategic plan is subsection 7.2 - Improve Competitiveness Through Infrastructure Improvements Impacting the Quality of Life. Award Summary: Discussion and action on the request that the Managing Director of Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing Department be authorized to issue Purchase Order(s) to Wagner Equipment Co dba Wagner Rents Inc, Wagner Power Systems, 2nd Steel Used Parts, SITECH Rocky Mountain, the sole and authorized distributor for the 2023-0411 Caterpillar Proprietary Parts and Service, for a term of three (3) years for an estimated amount of $4,500,000.00, with a stipulation that Wagner Equipment Co. provides an updated sole source letter and affidavit each year. This contract will allow for the purchase of all parts and service that is necessary for the maintenance and/or repairs of Caterpillar equipment owned by the City. The equipment is primarily used at the landfill by Environmental Services and is serviced by the Streets and Maintenance Department through the Fleet Maintenance Division. Contract Variance: The difference based in compar   Not available Not available
23-1116 121. OrdinancesAn Ordinance amending Title 19 (Subdivision and Development Plats) adding Article 8 (Conflict of Laws) Chapter 8.1 (Conflict of Laws) in order to specify that in the event of a conflict between Title 19 (Subdivision and Development Plats) and Chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code that Chapter 212 controls.   Not available Not available
23-1138 122. Other BusinessDiscussion and action on a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Subrecipient Agreement by and between the City of El Paso and Workforce Solutions Borderplex, INC., a Texas non-profit organization, providing $850,000.00 to Workforce Solutions Borderplex, INC., to administer ARPA Act funds to provide training to infrastructure workers to strengthen the workforce with the opportunity to up-skill and advance into higher paying skilled jobs; provide innovative workshops to small business leaders aimed at exploring and shaping unique leadership styles; and conduct surveys targeting Gen Z to create a diverse and inclusive work environment through organizational policies and practices.   Not available Not available
23-1157 123. Other BusinessDiscussion and action that the City Manager, on behalf of the City, be authorized to sign upon the recommendation of the Director of Economic and International Development and the approval of the City Attorney’s Office: (1) Written Agreement between the City and Medical Center of the Americas Foundation necessary to finalize the consolidated loan; (2) any contract amendment documents to effectuate the consolidation of the previously awarded loans into one loan and to secure and protect the City’s lien interest, and (3) releases, and related documents, for all obligations under the previously filed loans; and (4) lien(s) against the properties located at the Cardwell Collaborative Building located at 5130 Gateway Blvd., El Paso, Texas 79905, securing the City’s interests pursuant to the terms of the consolidated loan.   Not available Not available
23-1158 124. Other BusinessDiscussion and action that the City Manager be authorized to sign a Grant Agreement between the City of El Paso and Project ARRIBA Advanced Retraining and Redevelopment Initiative in Border Areas, Inc. (“Grantee”), a 501(c)3 tax exempt, non-profit Texas corporation for the purpose of providing training and case management services to eligible clients who require occupational skills necessary to access jobs in hard-to-fill demand occupations that pay a living wage with benefits and career path.   Not available Not available
23-1108 125. Other BusinessDiscussion and action on the Resolution that the City reviewed and approves the issuance of the Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2023 by Paseo Del Este Municipal Utility District No. 6 with the acknowledgement that the issuance of such bonds does not constitute debt issuance by the City of El Paso.   Not available Not available
23-1144 226. Other BusinessPresentation, discussion, and action on Short-Term Rental public outreach meetings to include the Greater El Paso Realtor Association, El Paso Chamber, and The El Paso Short-term Rental Alliance.   Not available Not available
23-1177 127. Other BusinessDiscussion and action on Texas Gas Service GRIP Reimbursement - Show Cause Hearing; HQ#UTILITY-13.   Not available Not available
23-1195 1ADD1. Other Bids, Contracts, ProcurementsThe linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection 6.1 Recruit and retain a skilled and diverse workforce. Award Summary: Discussion and action on the award of Solicitation 2023-0468R Executive Recruitment Services - City Manager to Baker Tilly US, LLP for an estimated amount of $37,200.00. This contract will assist the City with conducting a search to select a new City Manager. Contract Variance: The difference based in comparison to the previous contract is as follows: An increase of $14,200.00, which represents a 61.74% increase due to additional scope of work added to the contract and price increases in the marketplace. Department: Human Resources Award to: Baker Tilly US, LLP Madison, WI Term: Upon Completion Total Estimated Award: $37,200.00 Account No: 209-3500-14045-521160-P1414 Funding Source: Self-Insured Fund District(s): All This is a Request for Proposal, service contract. The Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing and the Human Resource departments recommend award as indicated to Baker Tilly US, LLP the highest ranked offeror based on    Not available Not available
23-1182 1EX1. Executive SessionUnited States of America v. City of El Paso, Texas; United Road Towing Inc d/b/a Ur Vehicle Management Solutions and Rod Robertson Enterprise, Inc; 3:23-CV-00044; (551.071)   Not available Not available
23-1183 1EX2. Executive SessionApplication of El Paso Electric Company for Approval of the Green Energy Plus Tariff; HQ#UTILITY-18; (551.071)   Not available Not available
23-1185 1EX3. Executive SessionTexas Comptroller Sales & Use Tax Audit; HQ#23-1283; (551.071)   Not available Not available
23-1186 1EX4. Executive SessionPurchase exchange, lease, or value of real property for location of El Paso Police Dept. Headquarters; HQ #23-1100; (551.071) (551.072)   Not available Not available
23-1187 1EX5. Executive SessionPurchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property for location of El Paso Police Dept. Central Region Command Center; HQ #23-895; (551.071) (551.072)   Not available Not available