| 1 | 1. | | Board Agenda Items | Discussion and action on the City Plan Commission minutes for: March 13, 2025 | | |
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| 1 | 2. | | Board Agenda Items | SUSC25-00001: Montecillo Unit Eight Replat A - Being a replat of Blocks 1 and 2, Vin Madrid Street, and Vin Aragon Street Rights of Way, Montecillo Unit Eight and a portion of Castellano Drive Right of Way, Montecillo Unit 4 “A”, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas
Location: South of Castellano Dr. and West of Mesa St.
Existing Zoning: SCZ-T4O (SmartCode; Transect 4O) and SCZ -T1
(SmartCode; Transect 1)
Property Owner: EPT Mesa Development, LP
Representative: Brock & Bustillos
District:|910|Staff Contact: Armida R Martinez, (915) 212-1605,
MartinezAR@elpasotexas.gov | | |
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| 1 | 3. | | Board Agenda Items | SUSU25-00007: Thorn Estates - Being Tracts 1 and 3, SA & MGRR Survey No. 268, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas
Location: East of Desert Blvd. and North of Mesa St.
Existing Zoning: R-3 (Residential)
Property Owner: Abdolkarim Saadatkhah
Representative: Conde, Inc.
District:|910|Staff Contact: Saul Fontes, (915) 212-1606,
FontesSA@elpasotexas.gov | | |
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| 1 | 4. | | Board Agenda Items | SUSU25-00018: Boardwalk at the Outlet - Being a portion of Tract 8, Nellie D. Mundy Survey No. 239, City of EL Paso, El Paso County, Texas
Location: West of Desert Blvd. and North of Talbot Ave.
Existing Zoning: R-F (Ranch and Farm)
Property Owner: Sangiovese, LLC
Representative: Conde, Inc.
District:|910|Staff Contact: Saul Fontes, (915) 212-1606,
FontesSA@elpasotexas.gov | | |
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| 1 | 5. | | Board Agenda Items | SUSU25-00004: LFC Subdivision - Tract 29-C, Block 37, Ysleta Grant, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas
Location: West of Zaragoza Rd. and North of Alameda Ave.
Existing Zoning: A-2/H (Apartment/Historic)
Property Owner: LFC Smart Business, LLC
Representative: CAD Consulting Co.
District:|910|Staff Contact: Aaron Andaluz, (915) 212-1585,
AndaluzA@elpasotexas.gov | | |
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| 1 | 6. | | Board Agenda Items | SUSU25-00005: El Bronco D Allende Estates - Tracts 7-C and 8-D, Block 34, Ysleta Grant, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas
Location: East of Alameda Ave. and South of Yarbrough Dr.
Existing Zoning: C-4/sc (Commercial/Special contract)
Property Owner: Lizalan, LLC
Representative: CAD Consulting Co.
District:|910|Staff Contact: Aaron Andaluz, (915) 212-1585,
AndaluzA@elpasotexas.gov | | |
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| 1 | 7. | | Board Agenda Items | SUSU25-00014: Tierra del Este Unit Ninety-Four - A portion of Section 18, Block 78, Township 2, Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, El Paso County, Texas
Location: South of Edgemere Blvd. and East of Tim Floyd St.
Existing Zoning: N/A - Property lies within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction
Property-Owner: Ranchos Real Land Holdings, LLC
Representative: Conde, Inc.
District: N/A - Property lies within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction
Staff Contact: Alex Alejandre, (915) 212-1642,
AlejandreAX@elpasotexas.gov | | |
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| 1 | 8. | | Board Agenda Items | SUSU25-00026: Ivey Interstate Industrial Center #1 - A portion of Tract 1-B-1, and a portion of Tract 1-B-2, O.A. Danielson Survey No. 314, a portion of Tract 3-B, Block 56, Ysleta Grant, and a portion of Lot 1, Block 2, Ivey’s Interstate Subdivision No. 2, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas
Location: West of Americas Ave. and South of Interstate 10
Existing Zoning: C-4/c (Commercial/conditions) and C-3/sc
Property Owner: Ivey Partners LTD
Representative: CEA Group
District:|910|Staff Contact: Alex Alejandre, (915) 212-1642,
AlejandreAX@elpasotexas.gov | | |
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| 1 | 9. | | Board Agenda Items | SUSU25-00023: Richmar Unit 4 Replat “A”- A replat of Lot 16, Block 6, Richmar Unit 4 & portion of Tract 14, H.F. Fisher Survey No. 293, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas
Location: North of Murchison Dr. and West of Cotton St.
Existing Zoning: R-4 (Residential)
Property Owner(s): Anne B. Kocian & John R. Kocian
Representative: Conde, Inc
District:|910|Staff Contact: Myrna Aguilar, (915) 212-1584,
AguilarMP@elpasotexas.gov | | |
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| 1 | 10. | | Board Agenda Items | PLCP25-00001: Part of Tract 1B, part of Tract 3, Tract 5D, part of Tract 5E1A, and part of Tract 5E1B, part of Tract 2C, Block 41, and part of Tract 5C-1, Block 50, Ysleta Grant, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas
Location: North of Americas Ave. and West of Southside Rd.
Zoning: R-F (Ranch and Farm) and C-4 (Commercial)
Existing Use: Vacant
Request: Future Land Use Map amendment from O-1, Preserve
and O-3, Agriculture to G-7, Industrial and/or Railyards
Owner: Mount Carmel Cemetery, Ajeya Bhava, LLC, and
Representative: Kimley-Horn c/o Bryce Eckeberger
District:|910|Staff Contact: Andrew Salloum, (915) 212-1603,
SalloumAM@elpasotexas.gov | | |
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| 1 | 11. | | Board Agenda Items | PZRZ24-00042: Part of Tract 5D, Tract 5E1A, and Tract 5E1B, Block 41, Ysleta Grant, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas
Location: Generally North of Americas Ave. and West of Southside
Zoning: R-F (Ranch and Farm)
Request: To rezone from R-F (Ranch and Farm) to C-4
Existing Use: Vacant
Proposed Use: General warehouses
Property Owner: Mount Carmel Cemetery
Representative: Kimley Horn c/o Bryce Eckeberger
District:|910|Staff Contact: Jose Beltran, (915) 212-1607,
BeltranJV@elpasotexas.gov | | |
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| 1 | 12. | | Board Agenda Items | PZRZ24-00019: A portion of Tracts 5C, 6C, and 7C and all of Tracts 8B, Block 55, Ysleta Grant, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas
Location: 9050 Escobar Dr.
Zoning: R-3 (Residential)
Request: To rezone from R-3 (Residential) to C-4 (Commercial)
Existing Use: Vacant
Proposed Use: Motor carrier terminal
Property Owner: Idea Public Schools
Representative: Conrad Conde, Conde, Inc
District:|910|Staff Contact: Luis Zamora, (915) 212-1552,
ZamoraLF@elpasotexas.gov | | |
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| 1 | 13. | | Board Agenda Items | PZRZ24-00034: Lots 5 to 10, Block 226, Alexander, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas
Location: 2824 N. Kansas St.
Zoning: A-2 (Apartment)
Request: To rezone from A-2 (Apartment) to A-3 (Apartment)
Existing Use: Apartments
Proposed Use: Apartments
Property Owner: Reyesbilt Group, LLC
Representative: David Etzold
District:|910|Staff Contact: Luis Zamora, (915) 212-1552,
ZamoraLF@elpasotexas.gov | | |
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| 1 | 14. | | Board Agenda Items | PZST24-00017: Lots 5 to 10, Block 226, Alexander, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas
Location: 2824 N. Kansas St.
Zoning: A-2 (Apartment)
Request: Special Permit for 70% parking reduction
Existing Use: Apartments
Proposed Use: Apartments
Property Owner: Reyesbilt Group, LLC
Representative: David Etzold
District:|910|Staff Contact: Luis Zamora, (915) 212-1552,
ZamoraLF@elpasotexas.gov | | |
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| 1 | 15. | | Board Agenda Items | Discussion and action on amendments to:
Chapter 20.02 - General Provisions and Definitions,
Chapter 20.10 - Supplemental Use Regulations,
Appendix A - Table of Permissible Uses, and
Appendix C - Table of Parking Requirements and Standards in support of ongoing economic development initiatives in Downtown El Paso. Proposed amendments would create and modify definitions in support of high-density residential uses, allow such uses within the C-5 (Commercial) district, and remove incompatible use permissions for the C-5 (Commercial) district.
Staff Contact: Karina Brasgalla, Economic & International Development, (915) 212-0094, BrasgallaKX@elpasotexas.gov | | |
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