| 1 | 1. | | Operational Focus Updates | Presentation, discussion and action on the 88th Regular Session of the Texas State Legislature. [POSTPONED FROM 05-22-2023] | | |
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| 1 | 2. | | Operational Focus Updates | Presentation and discussion by the El Paso Central Appraisal District’s Executive Director and Chief Appraiser Dinah Kilgore on the City of El Paso’s 2023 Preliminary Values. | | |
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| 1 | 3. | | Operational Focus Updates | For Notation Only: Formal Report of the Financial Oversight and Audit Committee meeting held on May 4, 2023.
1. Discussion and Action on the results of Project P2023-06 City Council & City Manager Office P-Card, Travel, and Fuel Card Review.
· Motion made by Representative Fierro, seconded by Representative Molinar, and approved by Representative Kennedy, Representative Annello, Representative Fierro, and Representative Molinar to accept the results of Project P2023-06 City Council & City Manager Office P-Card, Travel, and Fuel Card Review and send it forward to City Council.
· Motion made by Representative Fierro, seconded by Representative Annello and approved by Representative Kennedy, Representative Annello, Representative Fierro, and Representative Molinar to consolidate the P-Card and Travel recommendations of the FOAC Members, City Manager’s Office and Office of the Comptroller to City Council as a whole after review by the City Attorney’s Office.
· Motion made by Representative Fierro, seconded by Representative Annello and approved by Representative K | | |
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| 1 | 4. | | Operational Focus Updates | For Notation Only: Formal Report of the Financial Oversight and Audit Committee meeting held on May 17, 2023.
1. Discussion and action on the City of El Paso Internal Audit Charter.
· Motion made by Representative Fierro, seconded by Representative Molinar, and approved by Representative Kennedy, Representative Annello, Representative Fierro, and Representative Molinar to delete Discussion and Action on the City of El Paso Internal Audit Charter.
2. Discussion on results of External Quality Assurance Review (Peer Review).
3. Discussion on the City of El Paso Employee Hotline.
4. Discussion and action to schedule an audit or review of the following: 380 Agreements; On-Call Service Agreements.
· Motion made by Representative Molinar, seconded by Representative Fierro, and approved by Representative Kennedy, Representative Annello, Representative Fierro, and Representative Molinar to schedule an audit or review of 380 Agreements and On-Call Service Agreements.
5. Discussion and action on FY 2022-2023 Audit Plan 2nd Quarter Updates.
· Motion m | | |
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| 1 | EX1. | | Executive Session | Luis R. Varela v. City of El Paso, Cause No. 2021DCV1549, Matter No. 21-1007-2727. (551.071) | | |
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| 1 | EX2. | | Executive Session | Claim of Marcos Carillo, Matter No. 221-1026-11670. (551.071) | | |
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| 1 | EX3. | | Executive Session | Maria Ramirez, et al v. Ruben Escajeda Jr. and City of El Paso, Matter No. 17-1026-8594. (551.071) | | |
Not available
| 1 | EX4. | | Executive Session | Application of El Paso Electric Company to Implement an Interim Fuel Refund, HQ#UTILITY-10. (551.071) | | |
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| 1 | EX5. | | Executive Session | Discussion on purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property located in Downtown El Paso, Matter No. 16-1040-1083.046, HQ# 23-495. (551.071) (551.072) | | |
Not available
| 1 | EX6. | | Executive Session | Discussion on potential economic development opportunities in Northeast El Paso, Matter No. 22-1007-2864, HQ# 23-478. (551.072) (551.087) | | |
Not available
| 1 | EX7. | | Executive Session | City Attorney and City Manager Annual Performance Evaluations, Matter No. 21-1043-688, HQ# 23-816. (551.071) (551.074) | | |
Not available
| 1 | EX8. | | Executive Session | City Manager Employment Contract, HQ# 23-879. (551.071) (551.074) | | |
Not available