Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/20/2025 10:00 AM Minutes status: *** DRAFT ***  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
BC-370 1  Board Agenda ItemsRoll Call.   Not available Not available
BC-372 1  Board Agenda ItemsDiscussion and Action to Approve Minutes of: January 16, 2025.   Not available Not available
BC-375 1  Board Agenda ItemsCitizen Comment Period: Individuals limited to 3 minutes; no specific action may be taken.   Not available Not available
BC-376 1  Board Agenda ItemsEl Paso VA Health Care Clinic Update - Interim Director - Mark Rielo   Not available Not available
BC-377 1  Board Agenda ItemsEl Paso County Update - Veterans Assistance Program Manager - Antoinette Hunt   Not available Not available
BC-397 1  Board Agenda ItemsDiscussion: Monthly Update from VAAC Sub Committees Chairs. a. Employment b. Homelessness c. Mental Health.   Not available Not available
BC-398 1  Board Agenda ItemsDiscussion: Guidance for Annual update to Council scheduled for April 28, 2025.   Not available Not available
BC-378 1  Board Agenda ItemsDivision of Veteran and Military Affairs Update.   Not available Not available
BC-379 1  Board Agenda ItemsAnnouncements: Limited to Veteran and Military events pertinent to the El Paso Region.   Not available Not available
BC-380 1  Board Agenda ItemsDiscussion on proposed agenda items for next meeting.   Not available Not available
BC-381 1  Board Agenda ItemsNext VAAC Meeting: Thursday March 20, 2025, at 10:00AM.   Not available Not available