File #: 25-237    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Other Bids, Contracts, Procurements Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/11/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: The linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 1.4 Grow the core business of air transportation. Award Summary: Discussion and action on the award of Solicitation 2024-0450R Passenger Boarding Bridge and Check Baggage Inspection System Maintenance to Daifuku Services America Corporation for an initial term of five (5) years for an estimated amount of $7,007,165.24. The award also includes a two (2) year option for an estimated amount of $2,551,596.63 and three (3) additional one-year options for an estimated amount of $4,303,863.98. The total contract time is for ten (10) years for a total estimated amount of $13,862,625.85. This contract will allow the maintenance and operation of the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) and Passenger Boarding Bridges (PBB). Contract Variance: The difference based in comparison to the previous contract is as follows: An increase of $5,184,703.99 for the initial term, which represents a 284.49% increase due to passenger boarding bridge se...
Attachments: 1. Purchasing - Daifuku 2024-0450R Passanger Boarding Gride and Cheeck Baggage, 2. Title 2, 3. CC #39 - PBB and CBIS Contract Award

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All Districts
Purchasing and Strategic Sourcing, Claudia A. Garcia, (915) 212-0043
Airport, Tony Nevarez, (915) 212-7301


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The linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 1.4 Grow the core business of air transportation.

Award Summary:
Discussion and action on the award of Solicitation 2024-0450R Passenger Boarding Bridge and Check Baggage Inspection System Maintenance to Daifuku Services America Corporation for an initial term of five (5) years for an estimated amount of $7,007,165.24. The award also includes a two (2) year option for an estimated amount of $2,551,596.63 and three (3) additional one-year options for an estimated amount of $4,303,863.98. The total contract time is for ten (10) years for a total estimated amount of $13,862,625.85. This contract will allow the maintenance and operation of the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) and Passenger Boarding Bridges (PBB).

Contract Variance:
The difference based in comparison to the previous contract is as follows: An increase of $5,184,703.99 for the initial term, which represents a 284.49% increase due to passenger boarding bridge services being added, increase in pricing for Checked Baggage Inspection System, and an increase to reimbursables for parts and materials.

Department: El Paso International Airport
Award to: Daifuku Services America Corporation
City & State: Novi, MI
Item(s): All
Initial Term: 5 Years
Option Term 1: 2 Years
Option Term 2 - 4: 3 - 1 Year
Total Contract Time: 10 Years
Initial Term Estimated Award: $7,007,165.24
Option Terms Estimated Award: $6,855,460.61
Total Estimated Award: $13,862,6...

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