File #: 25-339    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Other Bids, Contracts, Procurements Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/4/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/18/2025 Final action:
Title: The linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 8.6 Provide long-term, cost effective, sustainable regional solid waste solutions. Award Summary: Discussion and action on the request that the Director of Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing be authorized to issue Purchase Order(s) for Solicitation 2025-0311 Landfill Sprayer to LSC Environmental Products, LLC the sole source distributor of Posi-Shell equipment for an estimated amount of $166,817.50. This contract will allow the purchase of a Posi-Shell sprayer to assist on the daily operations at the landfill for environmental compliance with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Contract Variance: The difference based in comparison to the previous contract is as follows: An increase of $25,417.11, which represents a 17.98% increase due to additional accessories. Department: Environmental Services Award to: LSC Environmental Products, LLC City & State: Apalachin, NY Item(s): All Initial Term: One-time Option Ter...
Attachments: 1. 2025-0311 Packet 1, 2. 2025-0311 Title 2

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Purchasing and Strategic Sourcing, Claudia A. Garcia, (915) 212-0043
Environmental Services Department, Nicholas N. Ybarra, (915) 212-6025

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The linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 8.6 Provide long-term, cost effective, sustainable regional solid waste solutions.

Award Summary:
Discussion and action on the request that the Director of Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing be authorized to issue Purchase Order(s) for Solicitation 2025-0311 Landfill Sprayer to LSC Environmental Products, LLC the sole source distributor of Posi-Shell equipment for an estimated amount of $166,817.50. This contract will allow the purchase of a Posi-Shell sprayer to assist on the daily operations at the landfill for environmental compliance with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).

Contract Variance:
The difference based in comparison to the previous contract is as follows: An increase of $25,417.11, which represents a 17.98% increase due to additional accessories.

Department: Environmental Services
Award to: LSC Environmental Products, LLC
City & State: Apalachin, NY
Item(s): All
Initial Term: One-time
Option Term: N/A
Total Contract Time: One-time
Annual Estimated Award: $166,817.50
Initial Term Estimated Award: $166,817.50
Option Term Estimated Award: N/A
Total Estimated Award: $166,817.50
Account(s): 334-3150-34130-580290-P3470-PESD00250
Funding Source(s): Heavy Equipment
District(s): All

Non-Competitive Procurement under Local Government General Exemption: Section 252.022 -(7) a procurement of items that are available from only one source - (A) items that are...

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