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Community and Human Development, Nicole Ferrini, (915) 212-1659
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A Resolution to approve an amendment to the City’s 2022-2023 (48th Year) Annual Action Plan and 2023-2024 (49th Year) Annual Action Plan for the Community Development Block Grant Entitlement (CDBG-EN) as follows:
a. Revise: 2022-2023 Wainwright Park Improvements; 4500 Lawrence Ave; El Paso, Texas 79904: This public facility project will be reduced in the 48th Year (2022-2023) CDBG program, and is currently being recommended for funding under the forthcoming CDBG funding cycle. Revised total 2022-2023 project budget will be $263,587.50 to cover architectural and engineering services.
b. Revise: 2022-2023 Sidewalks along Byron St; Along Byron St between Mobile Ave and Memphis Ave; El Paso, Texas 79930: This public facility project will be reduced in the 48th Year (2022-2023) CDBG program, and is currently being recommended for funding under the forthcoming CDBG funding cycle. Revised total 2022-2023 project budget will be $99,668.63 to cover architectural and engineering services.
c. Revise: 2022-2023 Wheelchair Ramps along Wadsworth Ave; Intersections along Wadsworth Ave between Olga St and Sidney St; El Paso, Texas 79924: This public facility project will be reduced in the 48th Year (2022-2023) CDBG program, and is currently being recommended for funding under the forthcoming CDBG funding cycle. Revised total 2022-2023 project budget will be $104,840.00 to cover architectural and engineering services.
d. Revise: 2023-2024 Opportunity Center for the Homeless 1208 Myrtle Emergency Shelter Renovations; 1208 Myrtle Ave; El Paso, Texas 79901: This public facility project will be reduced from the 49th Year (2023-2024) CDBG program, and is currently being recommended for funding under forthcoming CDBG funding cycles. Revised total 2023-2024 project budget will be $256,867.00 to cover architectural and engineering services.
e. Add: Housing Opportunity Management Enterprises, Salazar Apartments; 311 South Eucalyptus St; El Paso, Texas 79905: This public facilities project will fully rehabilitate the Ruben E. Salazar Apartments and will be completed more quickly than the projects identified above. As such, the redirected funds and an additional $900,000 in available funding identified from enhanced project efficiencies will be redistributed to the Housing Opportunity Management Enterprises Salazar Apartments, a project approved by City Council on June 6, 2023. Revised total 2023-2024 project budget will be $3,524,481.04.