File #: 24-478    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Other Bids, Contracts, Procurements Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/25/2024 In control: Mass Transit Department Board
On agenda: 4/9/2024 Final action:
Title: The linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 7.3 Enhance a regional comprehensive transportation system Award Summary: Discussion and action on the request that the City Manager be authorized to sign Agreement 2024-0401 Bus Cleaning Services by and between the City of El Paso and both WorkQuest f/k/a TIBH Industries, Inc., a private non-profit corporation and the certifying party, and Goodwill Services, the performing party, to provide interior bus cleaning services for fixed route buses and vans managed by the City of El Paso's Sun Metro (Mass Transit) Department for a term of three (3) years from the effective date of the Agreement and one (1) two-year option to extend, which may be exercised by the City Manager or designee administratively. This is a service requirement contract at a currently estimated cost to the City of El Paso of $487,104.00 for the initial term and an estimated $1,119,098.40 if the option to extend is exercised. This contract will allow Sun Metro to get in...
Attachments: 1. 4. 2024-0401 Packet 1

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Sun Metro Mass Transit, Anthony DeKeyzer, (915) 212-3306
Purchasing and Strategic Sourcing, K. Nicole Cote, (915) 212-1092

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The linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 7.3 Enhance a regional comprehensive transportation system

Award Summary:
Discussion and action on the request that the City Manager be authorized to sign Agreement 2024-0401 Bus Cleaning Services by and between the City of El Paso and both WorkQuest f/k/a TIBH Industries, Inc., a private non-profit corporation and the certifying party, and Goodwill Services, the performing party, to provide interior bus cleaning services for fixed route buses and vans managed by the City of El Paso's Sun Metro (Mass Transit) Department for a term of three (3) years from the effective date of the Agreement and one (1) two-year option to extend, which may be exercised by the City Manager or designee administratively. This is a service requirement contract at a currently estimated cost to the City of El Paso of $487,104.00 for the initial term and an estimated $1,119,098.40 if the option to extend is exercised. This contract will allow Sun Metro to get interior bus cleaning services for its current fixed route fleet of buses and vans.

Contract Variance:
The difference based in comparison to the previous contract is as follows: An increase of $137,921.64 for the initial term, which represents a 39.50% increase due to price increases in labor cost and adding an additional number of buses and vans for cleanings.

Mass Transit (Sun Metro)
Award to:
WorkQuest f/k/a TIBH Industries,

Inc. and Goodwill Services
City & Stat...

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