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Department Name TypeMeeting LocationMembersVacancies
AmeriCorps Senior Advisory Council AmeriCorps Senior Advisory CouncilCENTER FOR CIVIC EMPOWERMENT, 304 TEXAS AVENUE  
Animal Shelter Advisory Committee Animal Shelter Advisory CommitteeVIRTUALLY1 
Bond Overview Advisory Committee Bond Overview Advisory CommitteeMAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR  
Building and Standards Commission Building and Standards CommissionMAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR  
Capital Improvements Advisory Committee Capital Improvements Advisory CommitteeMAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL 2ND FLOOR, AND VIRTUALLY  
City Accessibility Advisory Committee City Accessibility Advisory CommitteeVIRTUALLY  
City Council Special Meeting Council Work Session or Special MeetingCOUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY9 
City Council Work Session Council Work Session or Special MeetingCOUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY9 
City of El Paso Health Facilities Development Corporation Council BoardsCOUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY4 
City Plan Commission City Plan CommissionMAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR  
City Review Committee City Review CommitteeVIRTUAL MEETING  
Civil Service Commission Civil Service CommissionMAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR  
Committee on Border Relations Committee on Border RelationsVIRTUALLY  
Downtown Development Corporation Council BoardsCOUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY4 
Ethics Review Commission Ethics Review CommissionMAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR  
Financial Oversight and Audit Committee Financial Oversight and Audit CommitteeCOUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL - FIRST FLOOR  
Mass Transit Department Board Mass Transit Department BoardCOUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY8 
Museums and Cultural Affairs Advisory Board Museums and Cultural Affairs Advisory BoardVIRTUAL MEETING  
Open Space Advisory Board Open Space Advisory BoardMAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR  
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Parks and Recreation Advisory BoardCITY 3 BASEMENT - THORMAN CONFERENCE ROOM - 801 TEXAS AVENUE  
Parks and Recreation Grievance Subcommitee Parks and Recreation Advisory BoardVIRTUAL MEETING  
Public Art Committee Museums and Cultural Affairs Advisory BoardVIRTUAL MEETING  
Sun Metro Citizens Advisory Committee Sun Metro Citizens Advisory Committee10151 MONTANA AVENUE, EL PASO, TX 79925  
Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone 10 Council BoardsCOUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY4 
Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone 14 Council BoardsCOUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 300 N. CAMPBELL AND VIRTUALLY4 
Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee Veterans Affairs Advisory CommitteeMAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR9 
Women's Rights Commission Women's Rights CommissionVIRTUALLY  
Zoning Board of Adjustment Zoning Board of AdjustmentsMAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 300 NORTH CAMPBELL – 2ND FLOOR